Stafford Lions Club set up a school-based Alpha Leo/ Club to be named Stafford Grammar Alpha Leo Club. Alpha Leos are aged between 12 and 18.
Four advisors from our Lions Club have volunteered to support a Leos club.
- How it started :
·      Our president took an assembly 0to explain the concept of a Leos Club.
·      We immediately held an informal information meeting that went so well that we appointed a president, secretary, minuting secretary, treasurer and a social secretary.
·      We held our first and second business meetings where President Dave was supported by Lion Carly. We have scheduled further meetings and have a hard core of 11 pupils.
Our first ever formal business meeting on 16th March 2023.Next steps:
- ·  To hold further meetings to see that membership can be maintained.
- We then received formal recognition from Lions Clubs International for our Leos Club and we have been officially ‘chartered’. We have held a formal Installation Ceremony in June 2023.
- The Leos now work towards their new fundraising and service activities.
- Sanex is working on designing a web site.