Supporting a Stafford International Schoolgirl Skier:
Georgia is a local Stafford schoolgirl who is one of 5 Under 16 female pupils selected to represent England at the World Winter Sports School’s Event in Turkey. We were delighted to make a donation towards funding her training and travel expenses as due to a lack of funding from GB Snow Sports, athletes are required to fund themselves. We are happy to support her in some small way and hope that she can gain further sponsorship from other local organisations and businesses.
Welfare Chair Chris with Georgia and Lion President Dave.
Children’s Environmental Books Donated to 34 Local Primary Schools:
Stafford Lions club have donated, or in the near future will donate, a set of 7 children’s environmental books to each of 34 local primary schools.
Mrs. Wilde from Mother Theresa’s Catholic Primary School with Lion Geoff, President Dave and 7 pupils each holding one of the donated books.
Supporting Young Care Leavers:
Youngsters who are in care usually leave the system at the age of 18 and have to fend for themselves. We have supported several individual care-leavers by purchasing domestic items. At Christmas we provided 21 Christmas Food Parcels and toiletries which were distributed for us by Social Services.
Lion John with the parcels for young care-leavers.
A Folk Night to Support Young Sebb:
We held a folk evening to support young Sebb. Sebb was a 3-year-old boy who attends Greenhall Nursery. He has a condition known as Christianson syndrome. he has microcephaly, is registered partially sighted, is non-verbal and is unable to sit,crawl or stand unaided. Despite his condition he is a happy, smiley, giggly boy who is much loved. We raised £632 to help the family make modifications to their house in order to improve his quality of life.
Sebb with mom and one of his brothers.
A team of Stafford Lions formed a panel to provide mock employment interviews at a local high school.
See also our Young Leaders in Service Awards Page
See also Lions ROAR
Resources for primary school projects.
See also Lions Young Ambassador Competition
An award that recognises young people for their outstanding community service involvement and encourages them in furthering their community involvement and public speaking.
© Stafford Lions Club 2023.
Web design Lion Dave Lewis with a great deal of help and tuition from his eldest son, Simon